The XCircuit Download Page
``All the source that's fit to distribute''
There are numerous versions below, so to summarize: The latest code and
the one which will likely do the most for you is at the top. Below that
is the last designated ``stable'' version; however, xcircuit has not
really gone into standard distribution and development cycles, so it's
not really recommended unless you run into serious run-time problems
with the most recent code. Below that are Linux RPM files, but they have
an occasional tendency to be a bit out of date. I always recommend
compiling from source unless you have severe difficulty doing so. The
code was developed under Linux, though, so it tends to compile on Linux
systems without complaint.
XCircuit-3.0: Beta, and Tcl-version Pre-release
The XCircuit-3.0 pre-release, using the standard compile instructions,
should compile and run exactly like xcircuit-2.5.4/5. The source
contains a Tcl/Tk version of xcircuit; however, at this time (November),
only about 90 to 95 percent of the menu and interpreter functions are
The official release of xcircuit-3.0 has been somewhat delayed due
to more pressing issues, but the Tcl command-line interface will
be updated through the next months until it reaches completion.
When that happens, Python will not be
supported, at least not until I figure out the Python-Tk interface
(except it will be possible to compile the embedded Python
interpreter instead of the Tcl interpreter extension, but this
will be slowly phased out). The new changes should make all the
people happy who have had problems with the graphics interface and
complain that it needs a more "modern" GUI. With the GUI completely
instantiated inside a script, I can keep my GUI, and you can make
yours look like whatever you want it to. Hack away. The interpreter
extension setup will also make it possible to drive xcircuit from
the command-line, with or without graphics.
- Gzipped source
xcircuit-3.0.tar.gz rev. 5 (693KB)
Last updated: November 25, 2002
- Bzipped source
xcircuit-3.0.tar.bz2 rev. 5 (565KB)
Last updated: November 25, 2002
Tarred/Compressed Source
(XCircuit version 2.3.3 final revision (16)):
Version 2.3.3: XCircuit builds with GNU automake/autoconf,
hopefully making it easier to compile, since system-dependent things
such as Python, XPM, and Ghostscript are preferred. Version 2.3.3
includes fixes for proper PCB netlisting, and some library part
changes to facilitate PCB netlisting. This version is considerably
more stable than any previous version.
There are some problems with the Python interface relating to
Python version 1.5, which unfortunately comes installed on a number
of systems in spite of being out-of-date and having at least one
known fatal bug causing a segmentation violation on startup. In
version 2.3.3 revision 14, if this version of Python is found on
the system, it will not be used. This will not affect the use of
xcircuit, except for the lack of an interpreter.
- Gzipped source
xcircuit-2.3.3.tar.gz (584KB)
Last updated: October 23, 2001
- Bzipped source
xcircuit-2.3.3.tar.bz2 (454KB)
Last updated: October 23, 2001
Pre-compiled XCircuit packages
RedHat Linux (RPM)
The latest officially stable distribution of xcircuit.
All the bells and whistles included. Thanks to Alec Habig
( for generating these packages.
Note that compilation from source is recommended over
installation of precompiled executables, as the result
is guaranteed to be tailored to the target system.
Compilation from non-RPM source is recommended to get the
very latest bug fixes and/or features.
Version 2.5.4 is the most recent stable distribution.
If you have difficulties running the executable due to
incompatibilities with Python (e.g., you get error messages
from or about Python on startup), you should install the
latest Python RPM, which can be found at the following
FTP site:
RedHat python2-2.1.1 RPM (via FTP).
- Pre-compiled Intel x86 executable:
xcircuit-2.5.4-2.i386.rpm (500KB+)
Last updated: October 24, 2002
- RPM source:
xcircuit-2.5.4-2.src.rpm (600KB+)
Last updated: October 24, 2002
Slackware 8 Linux
Thanks to Marcello V. Mansueto (
for generating the XCircuit 2.3.5 package for
Slackware 8 Linux (see also
Update: May 25, 2002: Slackware 8 packages updated to
XCircuit version 2.5.4. Requires Python-2.0.1 or newer.
xcircuit-2.5.4-i386-1.tgz (Slackware 8)
- Pre-compiled Intel x86 executable:
xcircuit-2.3.5-i386-1.tgz (281KB)
Last updated: October 29, 2001
Mac OS-X
XCircuit will compile under the UNIX/X11-based Macintosh OS-X.
However, there is a packaged version which should make installation
a cinch. Thanks to Max Horn ( for providing and
maintaining this package. The link to XCircuit for OS-X is: package xcircuit.
Other Packages
Have an xcircuit package you'd like to share? Send it (or a link) to me.
I generally recommend compiling from source (see up top, this page), so I
don't make packages myself (that, and the fact that my rpm executable has
been broken for a long time). But that's not everyone's cup of tea. In
particular, some systems are distributed in broken condition or otherwise
have problems or incongruities that make compilation difficult for the
novice. If you have a package, I'll put it here.
The latest XCircuit development source is duplicated on
a CVS Repository for the source and downloads.
As of version 2.3.5 of XCircuit, I have made a commitment
to keep all source changes up-to-date in the SourceForge
CVS repository.
SourceForge also has downloadable distributions of XCircuit,
although you should check the version numbers against this
web page to make sure you're getting the most recent version.
This page includes all the libraries of objects created
by users of xcircuit and sent to me to be made publically
available. If you have a library to add here, please send the
.lps file directly to me by email.
Otherwise known as ``Neat Hacks.''
As XCircuit develops further toward the model of a compact C core
with extended functionality provided by Python scripts, I hope to
include contributed Python scripts which extend and enhance the
capabilities of XCircuit (see section "Help!" on the XCircuit home
XCircuit version 2.5.3
In particular, see the README and
README.notes files for more information.
Repository of current and past versions of the xcircuit source.
Back to the xcircuit home page. . .
