XCircuit Repository of Object Libraries
This page contains libraries of symbols for use with xcircuit in various
applications. Users of xcircuit who have created their own special
libraries and wish to share them publically are urged to email them
to me, so that I can add them to the list below. When sending libraries,
please add your name, date, affiliation, and/or any comments about the
library to the comment lines at the top of the file, so that you will
get proper credit where credit is due.
I would really like to have the following:
- Expanded digital gates library: Note that the 74XX series
has been covered in a very nice way by Bryce Denny (see below).
Anyone making a similar attempt is advised to use a similar
method, connecting PCB libraries to xcircuit libraries directly
via interpreter script. This aids the more long-term effort
of binding the open-source CAD tools together.
- Expanded LGF library for both "analog" and "diglog"
- Integrated Circuit library
- Expanded signal library
- Architectural drawing library
The xcircuit default set of libraries
These libraries are included with the xcircuit source distribution.
- generic.lps. Basic elements for circuit
drawing: Arrowhead, dot, circle, jumper, arrow.
- analog.lps. Set of elements for analog
circuits: Amps, resistor, capacitors, sources, power rails,
transistors, etc.
- digital.lps. Set of elements for digital
circuits: Miscellaneous logic gates, battery, pass gate.
- avlsi.lps. Additional analog gates for
analog VLSI designers: simple and wide-range transconductance
amplifier symbols.
(includes all the above: generic, analog, digital, and avlsi)
- signal.lps. Symbols for linear system
diagrams: Circles, squares, sum, integrator, delay.
- lgf.lps. Symbols to match .lgf
format files from the program analog, including a
somewhat incomplete set of gates compatible with the
program diglog.
- musiclib.lps. Music typography
symbols: clefs, staff, bar, notes, rests, etc.
Note that the library builtins.lps, installed
by xcircuit versions 2.1b and earlier, has been superceded by the script
file startup.script, which follows the syntax
of the .xcircuitrc file. Use of commands
"loadlibrary" and "loadfontencoding" in library files is discouraged,
although it is supported for backward compatibility.
New libraries for xschema schematic capture
- analoglib2.lps Basic analog circuit
components with parameters and netlist properties. This file
is loaded by default onto library page 2 beginning with
xcircuit version 2.2.0.
- analoglib1.lps Earlier version of
analoglib2.lps, using the "%v" sequences for parameter
substitution instead of direct substitution (see the schematic
capture tutorial). Deprecated.
- ic_templates.lps Integrated circuit
symbol templates for use with PCB netlisting.
- ic.lps (preliminary). Integrated circuit
symbols for DIP packages and other standard board-level
- pcb.lps (preliminary). Printed circuit
board components.
- pcb0.lps (obsolete). Printed circuit
board components, early development version.
New public-domain libraries created by users of xcircuit
- hexparts.lps (June 2002).
Symbols for various 74XX hex parts, using the "virtual instance"
library mechanism used by the "quadparts.lps" sample library
included with the xcircuit distribution. Includes: 7404 (hex
inverter), 7405 (hex inverter, open collector), 7406 (hex
inverter, open collector, 30V), 7407 (hex buffer, open
collector, 30V), 7414 (hex Schmitt trigger inverter),
7416 (hex inverter, open collector, 15V), and
7417 (hex buffer, open collector, 15V). Thanks to Mark
Martin (mark.martin@jhuapl.edu) for the contribution.
- diplib.tar.gz (February 2002).
Symbols for the 74XX logic family, generated automatically
via Perl script. The tarfile contains not only the libraries,
but the script to generate them, and the PCB file which has
all the pinout information for the 74XX family, from which the
xcircuit library is generated. For use in PCB applications.
Thanks to Bryce Denney (bryce@tlw.com) for this valuable
- headerlib.tar.gz (February 2002).
Symbols for various single-row (2 to 16 pins) and dual-row
(4 to 32 pins) headers. Like "diblib" above, this tarfile
contains several xcircuit libraries, the PCB files from which
they are generated, and the Perl script which does the translation
from PCB ".pcb" to xcircuit ".lps" formats. For use in PCB
applications. Thanks to Bryce Denney (bryce@tlw.com).
- SuperTex.lps (September 2001).
Symbols for SuperTex depletion-mode transistors VN0550 and
- caps.lps (October 2001).
Various symbols for capacitors. Works around the lack of ability
to rotate or reposition labels on a per-instance basis in xcircuit
versions prior to 2.5.0.
Also implements the schematic style in which part numbers
are printed on the schematic (this is better for PCB netlisting;
xcircuit was written by a VLSI designer, not a board-level
designer, a fact which occasionally shows through the user
interface!). Library drawn by Bob Paddock (bpaddock@csonline.net).
- res.lps (October 2001).
Various symbols for resistors, similar to the description above
for caps.lps. Designed for PCB netlisting.
Library drawn by Bob Paddock (bpaddock@csonline.net).
- XformInductors.lps (November 2001).
Various symbols for tranformers and inductors, similar to the
description above for caps.lps and res.lps.
Designed for PCB netlisting. Library drawn by Bob Paddock
- chemie_tools1.lps (November 1999).
Chemistry symbols
(e.g., Bunsen burner, Ehrlenmeyer flask, thermometer) for lab
use. Symbol names are in German, but the symbols themselves are
obvious. Library drawn by Simon Widmer (sery@bluewin.ch),
Switzerland. This library is an update on the original
- flowchart.lps.
Flowcharting symbols,
courtesy of Monte Bateman (bateman@updraft.msfc.nasa.gov).
Adapted from the xfig examples originally drawn by Tim Starrin.
Example usage: flow.ps.
- euro.lps.
European-style electrical/electronics
symbols, courtesy of Bill Squire (billsf@cuba.xs4all.nl).
- eins.lps.
Library made by Jordaens Geert (Jordaens.Geert@village.uunet.be)
of electrical symbols conforming to Belgium AREI regulations.
- valves.lps.
Library of tube symbols made by Jörg Wunsch
- tubeamp.lps.
A different library of tube symbols made by Miles O'Neal for
drawing guitar amp circuits (meo@rru.com).
- led_digits.lps (January 2001).
Digits for numerical LED displays. Numbers 0 to 9 plus a decimal
- Libraries from the textbook
``Lessons In Electric Circuits'' by Tony Kuphaldt (January 2001):
- Analog AC circuit symbols (liec_ac.lps)
Includes a large oscilloscope diagram. Also, transformers,
coils, and resistor Y and delta networks.
- Analog DC circuit symbols (liec_dc.lps)
Includes a nice multimeter diagram, and plug and probe symbols
to match. Also includes: voltmeter, ammeter, lamps, pot, and
fuse symbols.
- Tube and semiconductor circuit symbols
(liec_smi.lps) (updated May 2001)
- Digital circuit symbols (liec_dig.lps)
(work in progress; updated May 2001) Includes: open and
closed switches of many kinds, toggles, pushbuttons, motor,
and heater symbols.
- Math symbols (liec_mth.lps) Includes:
sqrt radical, d/dx, large parentheses (note that most of these
can be rendered as text using the Symbol font; large parens
and over/under arrangement of characters can be done with the
kerning capabilities (2.2.0 and newer), although this is a bit
And liec.script is an xcircuit script file
which imports each of the above library files into a separate
xcircuit library page.
Back to the xcircuit home page. . .

email: tim@bach.ece.jhu.edu